Helpful Resources
- GitHub: The on-line repository hosting service of choice for this course.
- Git Documentation: A variety of documentation from the official Git site, including the Git Reference Manual.
- Git Cheat Sheet: A brief listing of common Git commands and what they do. There is also this alternative version that I don't like quite as well.
- Pro Git by Scott Chacon: A free on-line book on Git by a developer at GitHub.
- Introduction to Git with Scott Chacon: A longish video (>80 min) that presents a lot of the material in the Pro Git book.
- Github Tutorial For Beginners: A short (<20 min), gentle video introduction to GitHub.
- Learn Git Branching: A visual and interactive tutorial for learning Git.
- Git from the Inside Out: A longish video (>45 min) on Git's technical inner workings.
- GitKraken: A good tool for visualizing the state of a repository
- Feature Branch Workflow: A tutorial on how to do the titular workflow, which involves topic branches and pull requests.
- Ruby API Documentation (v2.3.3)
- Ruby on Rails Guides (v5.0.1)
- Ruby on Rails API (v5.0.1)
- Model (ActiveModel; ActiveRecord)
- View (ActionView)
- Controller (ActionController)
- Routing (ActionDispatch)
- Testing (ActiveSupport::Testing)
- Rails Tutorial
- Attacking Ruby on Rails Applications: An article on attack paths and techniques for cracking RoR web apps
- RVM Homepage
- Common Tasks
UNIX Shell
- Codeacademy Course: Learn the Command Line