General Skills Test Instructions

Skills Tests are short, timed exams that will have students perform actual coding tasks using their laptop software development environments. A key aim of the Skills Tests is to evaluate whether students can perform core development tasks quickly and correctly. Such skill and efficiency is essential to being an effective software development team member.

The Rules

This is an exam, and violations of the rules will be treated as academic dishonesty.

Preparing Your Development Environment for the Test

Way Before the First Test

You should need to perform these steps only one time before doing the first Skills Test.

Right Before the Start of a Test

Finally, refresh the Skills Test GitHub repo page until a the current $TESTID branch becomes available under the Branch: ... dropdown. (Substitute $TESTID with whatever the ID of the current Skills Test is; for example, for the first Skills Test, you would substitute $TESTID with s01.)

When the branch for $TESTID appears in the dropdown, click it to switch to that branch. Once you’ve done that, the file should provide the instructions for the test.

Retry Tests

Certain Skills Tests are Retry Tests. A Retry Test provides a second chance to pass a previously failed test. For example, the Skills Test S3-Retry would cover all the material up to and including S3. If a student had, for example, failed S2 and passed S3, then the student could take S3-Retry. If the student passes the Retry Test, then they will effectively replace their failing S2 grade with a passing grade.

If a student has passed all previous tests already, then the student is not eligible take the Retry Test. (They would have nothing to gain from it anyway.)

A Retry Test can replace only one failing grade, so if a student had failed both S2 and S3, passing the S3-Retry would replace only one of those failing grades.