Knowledge Test Instructions
Knowledge Tests are short pencil-and-paper exams. The knowledge tests are cumulative in that each one covers all course material to date. The same content may be covered on multiple knowledge tests to verify that students have adequately mastered the content.
- Closed book, closed note, closed neighbor.
- No devices.
This is an exam, and violations of the rules will be treated as academic dishonesty.
Practice Questions
The following is a collection of questions from past exams that you can use to prepare for knowledge tests. Note that topics will be tested on only after they have been covered by the course. It is up to you to keep track of what has been covered so that you will know which of the practice questions to focus on.
Caution! The actual knowledge test questions may be different than the practice questions below. For example, topics may have been covered in the course for which their are no practice questions.
- General Software Engineering
- General Configuration Management
- Version Control with Git
- Git Command Semantics questions and solutions
- General MVC
- Rails MVC
- Domain Modeling
- User Stories
- Software Engineering Process
- Planning and Estimation
- Testing
- White-Box Testing (take “condition” coverage to mean “branch” coverage in the practice questions)
- Design Patterns
- Security Attacks and Countermeasures