Demo 12: Forms That Handle One-to-Many Associations

In this demonstration, I will show how incorporate an association into the basic CRUD resource pages and actions we have discussed previously (i.e., index, show, new/create, edit/update, and destroy). We will continue to build upon the QuizMe project from the previous demos.

In particular, because our association now specifies that McQuestion objects belong to a particular Quiz object, several changes to our CRUD pages and actions are necessitated. These changes will involve three main tasks:

  1. Update the show page for Quiz to display associated McQuestion objects, as depicted in Figure 1.
  2. Move index, new, and create actions into a new QuizMcQuestionsController class with new routes that include the Quiz ID in the URI.
  3. Update the existing update and destroy actions to, for example, redirect to the parent Quiz’s show page (instead of the McQuestion index page).
Screenshot of browser page
Figure 1. Updated show page for Quiz records that now has a "Questions" subsection that displays the associated McQuestion objects.

As we perform the tasks below, don’t forget, after you finish each page, to run the page so as to “fail fast”, catching and fixing bugs quickly when it’s easier to find and understand them.

1. Displaying Associated Records on a Model’s show Page

  1. On the show page for a Quiz object, display the questions associated with that quiz by adding HTML.ERB code to the show.html.erb, like this:

     <% quiz.mc_questions.each do |question| %>
       <div id="<%= dom_id(question) %>">
           <%= question.question %>
           <%= link_to '🔎', mc_question_path(question) %>
           <%= link_to '🖋', edit_mc_question_path(question) %>
           <%= link_to '🗑', mc_question_path(question), method: :delete %>
         choices = [question.answer, question.distractor_1]
         choices << question.distractor_2 if !question.distractor_2.blank?
         choices.each do |c|
             <%= radio_button_tag "guess_#{}", c, checked = c == question.answer, disabled: true %>
             <%= label_tag "guess_#{}_#{c}", c %>
         <% end %>
     <% end %>

2. Moving index, new, and create Actions from McQuestion into QuizMcQuestionsController

  1. Create a new controller QuizMcQuestionsController using this command:

     rails g controller QuizMcQuestions
  2. Replace the existing McQuestion routes for index, new, and show with nested routes, like this:

     # get 'mc_questions', to: 'mc_questions#index', as: 'mc_questions' # index
     get 'quizzes/:id/mc_questions', to: 'quiz_mc_questions#index', as: 'quiz_mc_questions' # nested index
     # get 'mc_questions/new', to: 'mc_questions#new', as: 'new_mc_question' # new
     get 'quizzes/:id/mc_questions/new', to: 'quiz_mc_questions#new', as: 'new_quiz_mc_question' # nested new
     # post 'mc_questions', to: 'mc_questions#create' # create
     post 'quizzes/:id/mc_questions', to: 'quiz_mc_questions#create' # nested create
  3. Move the index.html.erb and new.html.erb view files from app/views/mc_questions to app/views/quiz_mc_questions.

  4. Comment out (or delete) the existing index, new, and create actions in McQuestionsController.

  5. Add a new index action to QuizMcQuestionsController, like this:

     def index
       quiz = Quiz.includes(:mc_questions).find(params[:id])
       respond_to do |format|
         format.html { render :index, locals: { quiz: quiz, questions: quiz.mc_questions } }

    The includes method helps minimize the number of database queries by specifying the associations that need to be loaded (see the N+1 Queries Problem).

  6. Update the “New Question” link in quiz_mc_questions/index.html.erb and add a “New Question” link to quizzes/show.html.erb (as per Figure 1), like this:

     <%= link_to 'New Question', new_quiz_mc_question_path(quiz) %>
  7. Add a new action to QuizMcQuestionsController, like this:

     def new
       quiz = Quiz.find(params[:id])
       respond_to do |format|
         format.html { render :new, locals: { quiz: quiz, question: } }

    The call to build allocates in memory a new empty McQuestion object that is associated with the quiz; however, the McQuestion object is not yet saved to the database (and thus, for example, has an id that is nil).

  8. In new.html.erb, change the url argument for form_with, like this:

     <%= form_with model: question, url: quiz_mc_questions_path(quiz), method: :post, local: true, scope: :mc_question do |form| %>
  9. Add a create action to QuizMcQuestionsController, like this::

     def create
       # find the quiz to which the new question will be added
       quiz = Quiz.find(params[:id])
       # allocate a new question associated with the quiz
       question =, :answer, :distractor_1, :distractor_2))
       # respond_to block
       respond_to do |format|
         # html format block
         format.html {
             # success message
             flash[:success] = "Question saved successfully"
             # redirect to index
             redirect_to quiz_mc_questions_url(quiz)
             # error message
   [:error] = "Error: Question could not be saved"
             # render new
             render :new, locals: { quiz: quiz, question: question }

3. Updating McQuestion update and destroy Actions to Use Parent Quiz

  1. Modify the update action in McQuestionsController to permit quiz_id and redirect to the Quiz show page, like this:

     def update
       # load existing object again from URL param
       question = McQuestion.find(params[:id])
       # respond_to block
       respond_to do |format|
         # html format block
         format.html {
           # if question updates with permitted params
           if question.update(params.require(:mc_question).permit(:question, :answer, :distractor_1, :distractor_2))
             # success message
             flash[:success] = 'Question updated successfully'
             # redirect to index
             redirect_to quiz_url(question.quiz_id)
             # error message
   [:error] = 'Error: Question could not be updated'
             # render edit
             render :edit, locals: { question: question }
  2. Change the destroy action in McQuestionsController to redirect to the Quiz show page, like this:

     def destroy
       # load existing object again from URL param
       question = McQuestion.find(params[:id])
       # destroy object
       # respond_to block
       respond_to do |format|
         # html format block
         format.html {
           # success message
           flash[:success] = 'Question removed successfully'
           # redirect to index
           redirect_to quiz_url(question.quiz_id)

Having successfully completed the above tasks, the QuizMe app now provides users with a full set of features for CRUDing quizzes and questions.