Demo 7: Working with Simple Models

In this demonstration, I will show how to create a model class and some sample objects, persist those objects in the database, and then retrieve and view them on a web page. I will continue to work on the QuizMe project from the previous demos.

1. Adding a New Model Class and Sample Data

Since we are building a quizzing application, we will need to store questions in the database. At first, the app will only allow multiple choice questions but in a later demo we will see that it’s pretty easy to add other kinds of questions too (e.g., fill in the blank). For multiple choice questions we need to store the question, answer, and a couple of incorrect options (distractors). Figure 1 shows the corresponding class diagram.

Class diagram for McQuestion model.
Fig 1. Class diagram for McQuestion model. (Diagram created using GenMyModel.)
  1. Run the following rails generate model ... command to create the model class shown in the above class diagram:

     rails g model McQuestion question:string answer:string distractor_1:string distractor_2:string

    Note the files that are generated, including app/models/mc_question.rb (the model class), db/migrate/20190926192541_create_mc_questions.rb (the database migration; timestamp will vary), and two files for automated testing, test/fixtures/mc_questions.yml (data for use in the tests) and test/models/mc_question_test.rb (unit tests for the model class).

  2. Run the following command to set up the mc_questions table in the database and to regenerate the db/schema.rb file, which holds the Rails app’s representation of the database.

     rails db:migrate

    Observe the changes to the schema.rb file and the new mc_questions table in pgAdmin.

  3. Add a couple sample questions in the db/seeds.rb file as follows:

     q1 = McQuestion.create!(question: 'What does the M in MVC stand for?', 
       answer: 'Model', distractor_1: 'Media', distractor_2: 'Mode')
     q2 = McQuestion.create!(question: 'What does the V in MVC stand for?', 
       answer: 'View', distractor_1: 'Verify', distractor_2: 'Validate')
     q3 = McQuestion.create!(question: 'What does the C in MVC stand for?', 
       answer: 'Controller', distractor_1: 'Create', distractor_2: 'Code')

    Note that we use the create! method (with a bang !) to create new database records in the seeds.rb file. The reason is that the bang version of create (i.e., create!) throws an exception if something goes wrong, which will, among other things, produce an error message. If the plain old create (with no !) method was used, the command will fail silently, which can be awfully confusing.

  4. Run the following command to execute the seeds.rb file, adding the sample records to the database.

     rails db:seed

    Observe the new records in pgAdmin.

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2. Retrieving and Viewing Records from the Database

In the first part of this demo, we stored a few questions in the database, so in this part, we will demonstrate how to retrieve and display the questions. In particular, we will demonstrate how to display a single question using a show action and how to display all the questions using an index action. These two actions are semi-standard read (as in the R in CRUD) actions in Rails. There are also semi-standard create, update, and destroy actions that we will cover in future demos.

  1. Create a controller for McQuestion objects by running the rails generate controller ... command as follows:

     rails g controller McQuestions index show

    Note that this command generates the file app/controllers/mc_questions_controller.rb, which contains the class McQuestionsController. This controller class has two actions (public methods), index and show. The command also inserted into the routes.rb file a new route for each of these controller actions, and it created two new view files, app/views/mc_questions/index.html.erb and app/views/mc_questions/show.html.erb.

  2. Replace the generated routes with standard resources routes for the McQuestionsController’s index and show actions as follows:

     get 'mc_questions', to: 'mc_questions#index', as: 'mc_questions' # index
     get 'mc_questions/:id', to: 'mc_questions#show', as: 'mc_question' # show

    Previously, we saw parameters passed to the Rails server via POST requests (recall the params hash); however, parameters can also be passed via GET requests. In particular, the show route has as part of its URI pattern an :id request parameter that becomes part of the URL (e.g., http://localhost:3000/mc_questions/125). The :id value for a given request can be retrieved from params[:id].

    Additionally, it is possible to pass even more parameters, if needed, by appending them to the end of the URL, as in this example: http://localhost:3000/somepath?keyword1=value1&keyword2=value2&keyword3=value3.

  3. Add the standard respond_to blocks to the show and index actions.

  4. We will also need to add the object(s) to display to the controller actions by using the ActiveRecord query methods for our McQuestion model class. For the show action, which displays only one object, we use the find method with an id parameter as follows:

     question = McQuestion.find(params[:id])

    For the index action, which displays all the records from that table, we use the all method as follows:

     questions = McQuestion.all

    You will also need to pass those variables into the locals hash, so they will be available in the view.

  5. The show action should display all the important attributes of the mc_question object (i.e., not the timestamps and not the id because that is shown in the URL). We could simply set up something like <p>Answer: <%= answer %></p> for each attribute, but let’s make it a little more interesting by showing the question and a set of disabled radio buttons for all the answer choices (the correct answer and distractor(s)). Note that the radio buttons are just for show in this case, and will not be part of a working form.

    1. Create a <p> block for the question text as follows:

       <p><%= question.question %></p>
    2. Now we need to create the radio button group with all the answers. Let’s make three radio button tags as follows:

         <%= radio_button_tag "guess", question.answer, checked = true, disabled: true %>
         <%= label_tag "guess_#{question.answer}", question.answer %>
         <%= radio_button_tag "guess", question.distractor_1, checked = false, disabled: true %>
         <%= label_tag "guess_#{question.distractor_1}", question.distractor_1 %>
         <%= radio_button_tag "guess", question.distractor_2, checked = false, disabled: true %>
         <%= label_tag "guess_#{question.distractor_2}", question.distractor_2 %>

      In the radio_button_tag options, we need to make sure the buttons are all disabled by adding disabled: true. We also need to be sure that only the correct answer is checked by setting the checked option to be true only for the answer radio button. For the unique label tag IDs, we use string interpolation to execute some ruby code and put it inside the string (e.g. #{question.answer}).

    3. Coding each radio button, like we did above, works, but it results in a lot of duplicate code. Instead, we can programmatically generate the radio buttons by looping through an array that contains all the choices and creating the radio button inside the loop.

       choices = [question.answer, question.distractor_1, question.distractor_2]
       choices.each do |c|
           <%= radio_button_tag "guess", c, checked = c == question.answer, disabled: true %>
           <%= label_tag "guess_#{c}", c %>
       <% end %>

      Setting most of the options is straightforward based on the c value but determining which radio button to check is more complicated. We know the checked option should be true only if c is question.answer, so we can actually set checked equal to the the result of determining if c is equal to question.answer.

    4. Try going to http://localhost:3000/mc_questions/1 to see the show page for one of the questions we added to the database.

  6. The index action should display some data for each of the records in the associated database table. Often, index actions will display the database table in an HTML table element, with a row for each record and a column for each of the record attributes; however, I will direct you to pgAdmin’s show-all-records feature for that. In this demo, we will simply display all the McQuestion objects on one page in the same way that they were displayed individually by the show action. However, each question will be wrapped in its own HTML div element with a unique id attribute generated by the dom_id helper.

    1. Create a heading for the page as follows:

       <h1>Multiple Choice Questions</h1>
    2. Recall that we added a local questions variable to the index action that contains all the McQuestion objects in the database. Add code that loops through each question and creates an empty div element (for now) with a unique id for each question using the dom_id helper as follows:

       <% questions.each do |question| %>
         <div id="<%= dom_id(question) %>">
       <% end %>

      Navigating to the index page now shows that three div elements have been created that look like <div id="mc_question_1"> where the number is the record id.

    3. Each question should be displayed the same as on the show page, so we copy the show page code into the empty div we have, like this:

       <% questions.each do |question| %>
         <div id="<%= dom_id(question) %>">
           <p><%= question.question %></p>
           choices = [question.answer, question.distractor_1, question.distractor_2]
           choices.each do |c|
               <%= radio_button_tag "guess", c, checked = c == question.answer, disabled: true %>
               <%= label_tag "guess_#{c}", c %>
           <% end %>
       <% end %>
    4. If we reload the index page now, we can see that all the questions are displayed, but only one radio button is checked on the entire page. Looking at the code we copied from the show page, the radio button tag id is “guess” for all the radio buttons. This was fine for the show page, but it now means that the radio buttons for all the questions belong to the same group, and only one can ever be checked at a time. We fix this problem by generating a unique radio button group ID for each question, like this:

       <%= radio_button_tag "guess_#{}", c, checked = c == question.answer, disabled: true %>
       <%= label_tag "guess_#{}_#{c}", c %>

      Now, the group ID should be unique for each question. I also changed the label tag id for consistency.

The QuizMe app now provides a way to view an individual multiple-choice question (show) and a way to view all the multiple-choice questions on a single page (index).

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