Program Comprehension

In what venues is program comprehension research published?

Several common types of peer-reviewed venues:

Specific Venues of Interest




What topics in program comprehension are hot right now?


  1. Go to
  2. Go to your assigned proceedings
    • One of ICSE ‘17, FSE ‘16, FSE ‘17, CHI ‘17
  3. Look at each research paper (at least title and abstract)
  4. Record for paper
    • Relevance to program comprehension
      (2 high, 1 low, 0 none, ??? unsure)
    • Rationale for relevance score if not obvious
    • Broad type of research that is focus of paper
      (“People” understanding people, “Tool” helping people, “Both”)
    • Your level of interest in reading this work in detail and presenting it
      (3 high, 2 medium, 1 low, 0 none)

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