In what venues is program comprehension research published?
Several common types of peer-reviewed venues:
- Conferences (workshops, symposiums, etc.)
- Publish original research (plus other stuff)
- In CS, conferences are most prestigious venues
- Works published in proceedings
- Journals
- Publish original research
- Also can be prestigious, but generally a bit less so than conferences
- Common pattern: publish conference paper and publish expanded version in journal (30% new material)
- More iterative (and longer) review/refinement process than conferences
- Magazines
- Usually just invite researchers to provide summaries of their research to date (already published results)
- Tend to be highly visible (and prestigious?)
Specific Venues of Interest
- ICPC: IEEE Int’l Conference on Program Comprehension
- Good quality second-tier conference
- ICSE: ACM/IEEE Int’l Conference on Software Engineering
- The top software engineering conference
- FSE: ACM SIGSOFT Int’l Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering
- The “other” top software engineering conference
- ICSME: IEEE Int’l Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution
- High-quality second-tier conference
- CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
- VL/HCC: IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing
- High-quality second-tier conference
- HCC part is where the program comprehension stuff is generally found
- TSE: IEEE Transactions on Sofware Engineering
- Top software engineering journal
- TOSEM: ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
- The “other” top software engineering journal
- TOCHI: ACM Transaction on Computer–Human Interaction
- The top HCI journal (I think)
- Computer
- IEEE magazine for broad computing audience
- IEEE Software
- Software engineering magazine
What topics in program comprehension are hot right now?
- Go to
- Go to your assigned proceedings
- One of ICSE ‘17, FSE ‘16, FSE ‘17, CHI ‘17
- Look at each research paper (at least title and abstract)
- Record for paper
- Relevance to program comprehension
(2 high, 1 low, 0 none, ??? unsure)
- Rationale for relevance score if not obvious
- Broad type of research that is focus of paper
(“People” understanding people, “Tool” helping people, “Both”)
- Your level of interest in reading this work in detail and presenting it
(3 high, 2 medium, 1 low, 0 none)
Spreadsheet columns:
- Venue (ICSE, FSE, or CHI)
- Title
- Relevance (2, 1, 0, or ???)
- Rationale
- Type (People/Empirical, Tool/Approach, or Both)
- Interest (3, 2, 1, or 0)