Foundations of Software Engineering

Individual Assignment Specification

For each iteration of the project, you must commit to a set of tasks by the end of the iteration. You may think of this as “designing your own homework assignment” for each iteration. Here is the process to follow.

At the beginning of each iteration, each team member must specify the following for each task he/she will complete:

At the end of the iteration (to be included in the milestone), each team member must specify the following (alongside the first two items):

Additionally, during an iteration, unexpected but important tasks may arise. These tasks should be clearly labeled “Unplanned Tasks” in the milestone and documented using the above three items.

Here are some important criteria to take into account when specifying tasks:


Teams must use the following template. Create a Markdown file (i.e., a text file with the file extension “.md”), and paste in the template below. Each team should submit only one file that is shared by all team members.

# Individual Assignment Specifications

- Team: xxx (Team Name)
- Iteration: xxx (Iteration Name)

## Special Roles

- Project Coordinator: xxx (Team Member Name)
- Quality Assurance Czar: xxx (Team Member Name)
- Video Demo Creators:
  - xxx, 999 (Team Member Name, Number of Points; filled in at end of iteration)
  - xxx, 999 (Team Member Name, Number of Points; filled in at end of iteration)
- Demo-Booth Operator: xxx (Team Member Name; filled in at end of iteration)

## Tasks: xxx (Team Member Name)

### Task 1: xxx (Task Name)
- Description: xxx (Task Description)
- How to Evaluate: xxx (Instructions)
- Outcome of Task: xxx (Description; filled in at end of iteration)

© Scott D. Fleming 2018 • Made with GitHub Pages and Markdown