To achieve the highest grades in the course, you will need to go above and beyond the call of duty; thus, your individual productivity grade also accounts for Above and Beyond productivity. You may earn A&B points in the following ways.
Each iteration, you will have an opportunity to play a special role. The team should assign these roles democratically, since the roles serve key functions on the team.
This role is concerned with mentor and instructor communication, and with teammate coordination and communication. Here some additional details:
Reliable. Must be highly reliable (e.g., attends all classes/meetings and responds quickly to emails).
Organized. Must be organized and detail oriented. For example, this person is responsible for making sure that class procedures are followed correctly.
In the know. Must keep constant track of what everyone is working on, so the team’s status can be accurately shared with the mentor/instructor, and the team can anticipate and head off possible issues.
Compensation: 1 A&B point per iteration (1 person only).
This role is concerned with ensuring that the milestone artifacts are of high quality. Here are some additional details:
Code gatekeeper. Must make sure that the code follows good design and coding standards, and that the test plan is being followed to ensure stability.
Repo organizer. Must ensure that the repo stays well organized.
Design diagram keeper. Responsible for making sure that the designs (often in the form of diagrams) are of good quality, and that the code is consistent with the designs.
Compensation: 1 A&B point per iteration (1 person only).
The team member(s) who create the video demo will receive special compensation for their extra effort. Only certain iterations will offer this role.
Compensation: 2 A&B points per team per relevant iteration, to be divided based on contribution (multiples of .25 or .33) to whoever worked on the video.
The team member who operates the demo booth will receive special compensation for his/her extra effort. Only certain iterations will offer this role.
Compensation: 1 A&B point for the booth operator (1 person only) per interactive demo session.
Each iteration, I may identify one or two members of each team who have made exceptional contributions in the past iteration. These “10Xers” will receive an A&B bonus for their exceptional work.
In addition to your planned work in a given iteration, you may take on additional work for A&B points. You must negotiate the work and compensation with me, and I must approve it. Such work often involves adding bonus features to the project; however, I am open to your ideas.