For this activity, your job is “grade” one or more teams’ drafts of user stories and glossaries.
In particular, grade each of the following. Be sure to say something about each item. If the team did an item perfectly, then say so.
Title and description templates. Mark all USs that don’t follow the title and description templates provided in class.
Not too big. USs should be short and capture only one feature. Mark any USs with long descriptions or that are really describing multiple features.
Complete set. Does the set of USs appear to cover all the main features of the system? If not, then list some examples of USs that you would have expected to see.
Functional user requirements. USs should contain only functional requirements (i.e., not non-functional ones) and be user facing. Mark any USs that violate this rule.
Customer-oriented. USs should not use terms and technologies unfamiliar to the customer. Mark all USs that violate this rule.
No design, just requirements. USs should not inadvertently make design decisions. Thus, there should be no mention of implementation technologies or user interface buttons and widgets.
Uses the glossary. The glossary should be used to define domain-specific or application-specific terms. Mark any such terms that are used in the USs that are not defined in the glossary. You should also note if any glossary entries are extraneous or unhelpful.
Followed other instructions. Mark any failures to follow other instructions that were given for this assignment.