For this homework, you will create a simple, static web page in Rails and practice using the basic version control features of Git.
You will do this homework as a team; however, each member of your team will be responsible for the completion of a particular task.
Rather than starting from scratch, your squad is going to start off with a project skeleton. Each team member must clone the skeleton repo, so that each has his/her own copy to work on.
To get going, do the following:
SSH into your Ubuntu VM, using the command vagrant ssh
Change directory (using cd) into the “workspace” folder.
Using your host OS’s web browser, find your team’s repo on GitHub via this link:
Locate the “HTTPS clone URL” on your team’s GitHub-repo page.
Back in VM, run the command git clone MYURL
such that MYURL is your team’s HTTPS clone URL. This command creates a folder with the same name as your team’s repo and that contains a working copy of the project code and a copy of the repo.
Change directory into this folder. A message from RVM should be displayed, indicating that RVM is working.
Install the gems (i.e., library dependencies) that the project needs by running the following commands. These commands install all the libraries (gems) that you’ll need to build and run the project.
gem install bundler
bundle install
You can now test the skeleton by first starting the Rails server with the command rails s –b
, and then opening the URL http://localhost:3000/ in a web browser in your host OS. You should see a homepage that looks like this:
Each team member must create two web pages:
Additionally, each of your pages must use each of the following HTML tags at least once (again, some creativity may be required on your part to work all of these in):
– Level-1 headingh2
– Level-2 headingp
– Paragrapha
– Hyperlink (with href
– Image (hint: image files go in app/assets/images/, then use image_path
helper method that returns the image path)ul
– Unordered listform
– Input form containing the following elements:
– Button (doesn’t do anything when pressed)datalist
– Dropdown list (doesn’t do anything other than let you choose an item)input
– Radio buttons (type="radio"
)Your pages must use these tags in noticeably different ways (i.e., the two pages cannot look similar).
When you create your pages, add the appropriate routes, actions to PagesController
, and ERB views.
You must add hyperlinks to your pages on the home page. This will enable visitors (and graders) to conveniently navigate to each team member’s pages.
One member of the team should update the homepage heading to include your team’s name. He/she should also delete the example items/links, so that only your team’s profile-page links remain.
Before you can submit, all team members must have merged their code into the master branch and pushed the updates to GitHub. If a team member does not complete his/her work on time, the rest of the team may submit without his/her contribution.
To submit your team’s work, you must “tag” the current commit in the master branch:
git tag -a hw03v1 -m 'Tagged Homework 3 submission (version 1)'
git push origin --tags
To grade your work, I will check out the appropriate tag, and run it on my machine.
Note that if for some reason you need to update your submission, simply repeat the tagging process, but increment the version number (e.g., hw03v2
, hw03v3
, hw03v4
, etc.).
Total marks: 100
The bullets below indicate standard deductions for errors in a submitted item. The deduction list below may not be complete because there may be mistakes that we did not expect. The deduction for an unexpected mistake will be assessed at the time it’s discovered and will reflect how severe the instructor thinks the mistake is.
, h2
, p
, a
, img
, ul
, form
, button
, datalist
, or input
: -5 for each time one was missedh1
, h2
, p
, a
, img
, ul
, form
, button
, datalist
, or input
with another element: -2 for each time one was replacedapplication.html.erb
: No deduction, but warning<%= link_to ... sdflming_path%>
helper to generate hyperlink: No deduction, but warning