Capstone Software Project

Milestone 1 Instructions

The main goal of this milestone is to implement the most important features of the system (although polishing and minor bug fixes may be needed) and mitigate all the key risks. To that end, the team must submit the following things for this milestone.

1. Demo Video

Your team must create a demo video of your software. This video is mainly to assist the course instructors in grading your progress on the project. The video must also have an accompanying text document that lists who built each of the demoed features. The demo video and document must meet the following grading criteria:

See the Above and Beyond Points document for A&B points associated with the creation of the video.

Your mentor must confirm that they have seen your work for the iteration demoed, and have provided you with any feedback they may have prior to the end of the iteration. The demo may be delivered live and interactively or via the video, as per the mentor’s preference.

2. Tagged Code in Repo

The complete version of the code captured in the video demo must be tagged in your version control repository.

3. Up-to-Date Plan and Design Artifacts

The following planning and design artifacts must be kept up to date (and thus be up to date when the milestone is due):

You need not keep the interface sketches up to date. These sketches are mainly useful for developing the interface design, but once the interface is implemented, the sketches are no longer particularly useful. However, your team should archive your interface sketches for later reference by the instructor.

Your mentor must confirm that the requirements specifications and their statuses are up to date. They must also have been given the opportunity to review the other artifacts if they so wish.

4. Up-to-Date Feedback

Feedback collection and management must be part of each iteration and milestone. See the Feedback Collection and Management document for detailed instructions.

Your mentor must confirm that you have collected all the feedback that he/she has given your team, and that he/she agrees with your plan for handling it and/or outcome.

5. Individual Assignments

Full task planning and outcome reporting must be part of each iteration and milestone. See the Individual Assignment Specification document for detailed instructions.

6. Instructions to the Instructors

Since the way to access the various milestone artifacts may vary from team to team, each team must submit a document containing instructions to the instructors regarding how to access each artifact. This document must be submitted to an eCourseware dropbox by the milestone deadline.

Teams must use the following template. Create a Markdown file (i.e., a text file with the file extension “.md”), and paste in the template below. Each team should submit only one Instructions-to-the-Instructors file that is shared by all team members. For the file locations, give the file name(s) and location(s) of each item in your team’s repository (e.g., “/misc/user_stories.docx”). Feel free to leave additional explanations/instructions as sub-bullets.

# Milestone 1 - Instructions to the Instructors

- Team: xxx (Team Name)
- GitHub Repo URL: xxx (URL)
- Demo Video URL: xxx (URL)
- Git Tag for Demo Video Version of Code: xxx (Tag Name)

## File Locations in Repository

- Milestone 1 Individual Assignment Outcomes: xxx
- Who-Did-What Document for Demo Video: xxx
- Up-to-Date Feedback: xxx
- Up-to-Date Plan and Design Artifacts:
  - Requirements specifications and their statuses: xxx
  - Prioritization and Schedule of Requirements Implementation: xxx
  - Architectural design: xxx
  - Database design (if system will have a DB): xxx
  - Risks and their statuses: xxx
  - Quality assurance plan: xxx
  - Feedback management plan and setup: xxx
  - Collaboration plan: xxx

7. Teammate Evaluations

At the end of each iteration, each team member must provide an evaluation of each other team member. Instructions and forms for performing these teammate evaluations will be communicated by email near the end of the iteration.

Milestone 1 Checklist

[ ] Demo video and who-did-what document (Section 1)
[ ] Mentor must have seen demo (live or video)

[ ] Tagged code in VCS (Section 2)

[ ] Up-to-date plan and design artifacts (Section 3)
[ ] Mentor must confirm requirements (and possibly others)

[ ] Up-to-date feedback collection, plans to handle, and outcomes (Section 4)
[ ] Mentor must sign off on

[ ] Individual assignment outcomes (Section 5)

[ ] Instructions to the instructors, submitted to eCourseware dropbox (Section 6)

[ ] Teammate evaluations (Section 7)

Milestone 1 Mentor Sign-Off Form

Mentors: Please indicate your approval of the following items—but ONLY if you agree 100% with the statement for the item.

If you have ANY disagreement, do not give your approval. Instead, provide the team with feedback, and have them resolve whatever issue is preventing your approval.

[ ] I have reviewed a demo of the software, and I have provided the team any feedback I had.

[ ] I have reviewed the requirements specifications, and they are up to date and consistent with my wishes.

[ ] I have reviewed any other plan or design artifacts that I wish to see, and I approve of them.

I have reviewed the team’s feedback management system, and …
[ ] All the feedback I have given them is accounted for.
[ ] I agree with all the team’s plans for handling the feedback.
[ ] I confirm that all outcomes are accurate to the best of my knowledge.

© Scott D. Fleming 2018 • Made with GitHub Pages and Markdown