Capstone Software Project

Instructor Meeting 3 Instructions

This final instructor meeting will be focused on presenting and discussing the current status of the software and the remaining improvements that will be made by the end of the course.

1. Meeting Structure

The instructor meeting will be 25 minutes long and roughly structured as follows:

Because the team meetings are scheduled back to back, time management will be an important concern, and meetings will generally not be permitted to run long.

2. Live Demo

This part of the meeting is mainly concerned with demonstrating what the team has built so far, and collecting feedback from the instructor. To ensure that you present this part effectively, you must follow these criteria:

3. Meeting Leader Requirements, Etc.

These instructions are the same as last time.

One (and only one) team member should play the role of meeting leader. This person should present the first two parts of the meeting, and act as facilitator during the discussion part. In performing this role, the meeting leader should follow these criteria:

In selecting the meeting leader, the team must rotate presenters such that each team member serves at least once as instructor meeting leader or interactive demo booth operator.

Note that there is an A&B reward for serving as instructor meeting leader. See the Above and Beyond Points document for details.

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