Peer Review of User Stories and Definitions

For this activity, your job is “grade” another team’s draft of their user stories and definitions.

Grading Each Story

Add a “Feedback” column to the stories spreadsheet under review, and go through each of the stories, adding comments in the column as per the following instructions.

For each user story, address each and every one of the following criteria. For any issues you find, add a comment with the corresponding letter code below along with a comment explaining the issue. Additionally, as you review each story, check any corresponding content in the definitions document, annotating the document with any feedback comments you have. In particular, watch out for definitions that unclear, incomplete, or really should be there, but aren’t. If you find that an issue repeats across many or all stories, you need not repeat the same comment over and over. Instead, simply mention it once in the global comments below.

Overall Assessment

Once you have evaluated all the individual stories, create a separate document and provide the following overarching feedback.

  1. How well did the stories and definitions follow instructions? Select one of the following and explain your choice.
    • Good/Excellent (perfect or nearly perfect)
    • OK (some noticeable issues, but overall, still mostly followed instructions)
    • Major issues (lots of very noticeable divergences from the instructions)
  2. How coherent were the stories and definitions overall? Select one of the following and explain your choice.
    • Very coherent (everything was clear, understandable, and well thought out)
    • Somewhat coherent (a few parts were confusing, inconsistent, redundant or poorly explained)
    • Incoherent (lots of parts were confusing, inconsistent, redundant, or poorly explained)
  3. How complete did the stories and definitions seem? Select one of the following and explain your choice. If there are some examples of stories that you really would have expected to see but that were absent, mention them.
    • Very complete (covered features very thoroughly)
    • Somewhat complete (although a lot was covered, it seemed like some obviously needed features were missed; having a few epics may also be a problem here)
    • Very incomplete (lots of clearly needed features were missing; having too many epics may also be a problem here)