Software Engineering

Homework 4: Working with Git and GitHub

For this homework you will practice the version control and collaboration features of Git and GitHub with your teammates.

In particular, you will be replicating the steps performed in three demonstration videos as follows.

Detailed Instructions

Each teammate must individually do the following steps.

Part 1: Working with a Local Repo

  1. In your VM, start typescript recording your session as follows.
    1. IMPORTANT! cd into the workspace folder. This is the folder where your typescript will be saved. You do NOT want this file saving to your git-demo repo folder.
    2. Start a typescript recording using the following command.
      • script hw04-typescript-1.txt
    3. Launch a Bash login shell (needed for RVM to work) using the following command.
      • bash --login
  2. Replicate the steps in the demo video on working with local repos.
  3. End the typescript recording as follows.
    1. Exit the Bash shell using this command.
      • exit
    2. Exit the typescript using this command.
      • exit
  4. Upload your typescript to the appropriate eCourseware dropbox.

Part 2: Working with Branches

  1. In your VM, start typescript recording your session as follows.
    1. IMPORTANT! cd into the workspace folder. Remember, you do NOT want this file saving to your git-demo repo folder.
    2. Start a typescript recording using the following command.
      • script hw04-typescript-2.txt
    3. Launch a Bash login shell (needed for RVM to work) using the following command.
      • bash --login
  2. Replicate the steps in the demo video on working with branches.
  3. End the typescript recording as follows.
    1. Exit the Bash shell using this command.
      • exit
    2. Exit the typescript using this command.
      • exit
  4. Upload your typescript to the appropriate eCourseware dropbox.

Part 3: Working with a Remote Repo

  1. In your VM, start typescript recording your session as follows.
    1. IMPORTANT! cd into the workspace folder. Remember, you do NOT want this file saving to your git-demo repo folder.
    2. Start a typescript recording using the following command.
      • script hw04-typescript-3.txt
    3. Launch a Bash login shell (needed for RVM to work) using the following command.
      • bash --login
  2. Replicate the steps in the demo video on working with remote repos.
    • Additional instructions: When you replicate these steps, you must perform only the steps that I perform and that Alice performs. One of your teammates must perform the steps of Bob on their computer. Use your GitHub user account to house the repo. Make the GitHub repo private, and add as a collaborator your teammate playing the role of Bob. Your teammate’s steps as Bob need not be recorded. Note that a good arrangement here would be for a teammate to serve as Bob for you, and in exchange, you serve as Bob for them.
  3. End the typescript recording as follows.
    1. Exit the Bash shell using this command.
      • exit
    2. Exit the typescript using this command.
      • exit
  4. Upload your typescript to the appropriate eCourseware dropbox.

Once you have uploaded all three typescripts, your homework submission is complete.


Total points: 100

Below, the top-level number is the items total point value. If an item is not submitted at all or it is irredeemably broken, 0 points will be awarded for that item. The sub-bullets indicate standard deductions for errors in a submitted item. The deduction list below may not be complete because there may be mistakes that we did not expect. The deduction for an unexpected mistake will be assessed at the time it’s discovered and will reflect how severe the instructor thinks the mistake is.

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