Lecture: How to Give a Great Demo
- Convey features of your system and show their positive aspects
- Clear
- Engaging
- Well motivated
- Audience gets lost, confused, or cognitively overloaded.
- Undefined terms unfamiliar to the audience
- Forcing the audience to memorize a lot of new terms
- (Implicitly?) Assuming the audience is familiar with something they are not, like the problem, like the system, etc.
- Audience is unclear where demo is going or why they’re being shown the features they’re being shown
- Going too fast
- Forcing audience to process both something that is visually complex and to listen to you talk at essentially the same time
- Audience doesn’t care or is actively annoyed
- Audience doesn’t know why they should care
- Over-focus on button clicks and not on users’ motivations/goals
- Demo doesn’t flow well, presenter gets lost, forgets to say things
Running out of time (pacing)
- Technical failure
- Common cause is last minute changes
Process solutions
- Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse
- Logistics: Allow time prior to demo to present
- Neural: Start at least the day before. Make it the last thing you do before bed.
- Neural: Repetition!!
- Rehearse with the actual artifacts to be presented
- Rehearse with a practice audience(s) to get feedback for different perspectives
Code freeze to restrict changes, so the presenter can rehearse and discover any problems
Backup (online) any files that you need for the demo
Reduce possible points of failure by simplifying demo setup (fewer machines, supporting apps, etc.)
- Map out the demo
- Draw up an outline
- Time the different parts and adjust content to get the emphasis right
Demo design solutions
- Introduction
- Assume the viewer has no knowledge of your system and is just an average squirrel
- Keep it tight
- High-level rationale for the system
- What’s the problem and why is it interesting?
- Gentle introduction to background concepts if necessary – but keep it well motivated!!
- Visual aid? Like simple slide or image or the running app?
Anticipate questions and when they will arise, and build in answers
Carefully direct the audiences attention when dealing with a complex visual
- Demo from the perspective of a user and their tasks and goals
- Lead with what the user wants (this naturally forms the motivation)
- Make sure that you have always made clear what the user’s goal is before demoing a feature
- Tell about the user’s relevant background.
- Plan it – don’t try to wing it!
- Include the user intro, background, and motivation in your outline
- Use realistic data
One way to introduce your example user (unnamed in this case):
A typical user of our system wants to blah.
Another way would be as follows for a named user:
Imagine a typical user of our system named Alice who want to blah.