Software Engineering

Milestone 0 Instructions

Milestone 0 Checklist

[ ] Set of user stories

[ ] Sitemap for your web app

[ ] User interface sketches

[ ] Class diagram of your model

[ ] Initial code skeleton

[ ] Individual assignments and outcomes

[ ] Instructions to the instructors, submitted to eCourseware dropbox

[ ] Teammate evaluations

The main deliverables to come out of the initial planning are a collection of artifacts regarding project requirements, planning, and design. These artifacts are collectively called Milestone 0.

1. Project Artifacts

For Milestone 0, you will submit the following artifacts:

  1. a set of user stories (with definitions document),
  2. a sitemap for your web app,
  3. user interface sketches,
  4. a class diagram of your model, and
  5. initial code skeleton.

The artifacts should satisfy the following grading criteria:

Keep in mind that these artifacts will evolve as the project rolls along. Plan for such evolution.

Note that there is an A&B eligible role (Quality Assurance Czar) with special responsibilities regarding the milestone submission.

2. Individual Assignments

Full task planning and outcome reporting must be part of each iteration and milestone. See the Individual Assignment Specification document for detailed instructions.

3. Instructions to the Instructors

Since the way to access the various milestone artifacts may vary from team to team, each team must submit a document containing instructions to the instructors regarding how to access each artifact. This document must be submitted to an eCourseware dropbox by the milestone deadline.

Teams must use the following template. Create a Markdown file (i.e., a text file with the file extension .md), and paste in the template below. Each team should submit only one Instructions-to-the-Instructors file that is shared by all team members. For the file locations, give the file name(s) and location(s) of each item in your team’s repository (e.g., /docs/ Feel free to leave additional explanations/instructions as sub-bullets.

# Milestone 0 - Instructions to the Instructors

- Team: xxx (Team Name)
- GitHub Repo URL: xxx (URL)

## File Locations in Repository

- User stories: xxx (File location)
- Sitemap: xxx (File location)
- User interface designs: xxx (File location)
- Class diagram of your model: xxx (File location)
- Milestone 0 individual assignments and outcomes: xxx (File location)

4. Teammate Evaluations

At the end of each iteration, each team member must provide an evaluation of each other team member. Instructions and forms for performing these teammate evaluations will be communicated by email near the end of the iteration.

Grading Rubric

Below are each of the grading items for this Milestone, along with their point values and weights. If an item is not submitted at all, 0 points will be awarded for that item. The top-level bullets specify grading criteria. The sub-bullets indicate standard deductions for errors in a submitted item. The deduction list below may not be complete because there may be mistakes that we did not expect. The deduction for an unexpected mistake will be assessed at the time it’s discovered and will reflect how severe the instructor thinks the mistake is. If the deductions for a grading item total more than the total points for that item, 0 points will be awarded for the item.

User Stories (with Definitions Document)

20 points with weight of 30%


20 points with weight of 10%

User Interface Sketches

20 points with weight of 20%

Class Diagram of Model

20 points with weight of 20%

Instructions to the Instructors

20 points with weight of 10%

Submission in GitHub

20 points with weight of 5%

Peer Review of User Stories

20 points with weight of 5%

© Scott D. Fleming 2018 • Made with GitHub Pages and Markdown