Software Engineering

Homework 5: MVC Model

For this homework, you will create simple model classes in Rails, write tests to run them, and practice using the basic version control features of Git.

You will do this homework as a team; however, each member of your team will be responsible for the completion of a particular task.

Each team member will choose one task from the list below to complete. All team members must do a different task. If your team has only three members, then ignore Task 4.

IMPORTANT: Be sure to add your university username (e.g., mine is “sdflming”) in a comment near the top of each of your model class file. (Otherwise, how will we know which work is yours?)

The Tasks

The tasks are given on the following pages. For each of the following tasks:

Task 1

Model classes to create:

alt text

Add these validations to class Owner:

Task 2

Model classes to create:

alt text

Add these validations to class Appraiser:

Task 3

Model classes to create:

alt text

Add these validations to class Lender:

Task 4

Model classes to create:

alt text

Add these validations to class Inspector:

How to submit your team’s work

Before you can submit, all team members must have merged their code into the master branch and pushed the updates to GitHub. If a team member does not complete his/her work on time, you may submit without his/her contribution.

To submit your team’s work, you must “tag” the current commit in the master branch:

To grade your work, I will check out the appropriate tag, and run it on my machine.

Note that if for some reason you need to update your submission, simply repeat the tagging process, but increment the version number (e.g., hw5v2, hw5v3, hw5v4, etc.).


Total marks: 100

Below, the top-level number is the items total point value. If an item is not submitted at all, 0 points will be awarded for that item. The sub-bullets indicate standard deductions for errors in a submitted item. The deduction list below may not be complete because there may be mistakes that we did not expect. The deduction for an unexpected mistake will be assessed at the time it’s discovered and will reflect how severe the instructor thinks the mistake is.

Other deductions:

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